Walkers Group

Walking Group welcome

Morrison Avenue Bowling Club Walking Group

The group was formed in 2020 after the COVID 19 Pandemic lockdowns with two main aims.

  • Many members had been walkers or had started walking during the lockdowns and this was a way to encourage them to continue.
  • With restrictions on movement and lack of activities the group was a way that members could still meet and give each other support.

During the 5 years of its existence a group of regulars has met every Friday during the winter months to walk the cities streets, parks and paths. These walks have been educational, have provided exercise and companionship. We have all learnt plenty about our city and everyone is welcome to join us, just watch out for the weekly email detailing meeting place and time.

Any enquiries please contact Ray Blyth mobile 021 02716795

The winter season has finished for the walking group and we can now look forward to the bowling season. We only lost one walk due to the weather and the small group enjoyed exploring many different parts of the city. The majority of our walks were in the Botanic Gardens and Hagley Park area. The Gardens are always interesting and we watched as the seasons changed from autumn to spring bringing a new perspective each week.  We always enjoyed our coffee breaks when we could discuss the topics of the day and trying solve the world’s problems.

However its was with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Yvonne Millar and Glennis Doherty. They were regular members of our group and we miss their company and pass on our sympathy to their families.

With the bowling season opening we can put on our bowling shoes and look forward to a busy season on the greens.